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Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Kill Bed Bugs - Tips On How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Quickly And Easily

Many of us were put to sleep with the saying, 'good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite' as children, but have you ever really thought about what bed bugs were? Bed bugs are not as bad as everyone thinks they are, of course. They don't carry vicious diseases or imply uncleanliness--bed bugs can be picked up without you ever having to do anything but they are certainly a great deal harder to get rid of than they are to get. Luckily, learning how to kill bedbugs is not hard to do at all, and many of the things that you might have heard about their dogged tenacity to make your life miserable isn't true at all.

If you want to know the truth about how to eliminate bed bugs, put the mop and bucket down. Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs do not give a care in the world about the cleanliness of their surroundings. They are easily transmitted through clothing, luggage, boxes, and other vehicles from location to location and that is how they survive. Many people try the approach of just abandoning the premises for a while, in hopes that the bed bugs will be gone when they return but unfortunately they are known to live up to a year without a host to feed off of, so you might have to truly abandon your residence for that tactic to work.

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A way to kill bed bugs more easily without having to move out of your home is to completely eliminate them; this can be difficult as these little creatures can hide just about anywhere, from behind the light plate on your wall to under your pillow and mattress, and seal up all cracks and crevices in the home--even the area between the wall and the molding where the floor meets the wall. Sealing up these areas decreases the likelihood of the bed bugs finding a place to lay low until the air clears--literally.

After everything has been sealed and exposed, there are a few methods you can use to get rid of bed bugs but the most practical by far is steam cleaning. Most professional exterminators will use steam cleaners to kill the bugs as they can hardly survive at temperatures above 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat kills the bugs, and after that it is just up to you to clean up the remains and make sure you don't ever have to deal with the bed bug problem ever again.

After the bugs have been killed, the problem is no longer how to kill bed bugs but how to keep them gone. If things are done right, rarely do bed bugs re-surface but it is important to always keep an eye out for them when you are traveling, even if you are staying at the Ritz-Carlton or the Waldorf-Astoria. After all, bed bugs do not discriminate and they have a tendency to travel great distances just to make the lives of human beings a tad bit more trying.

How to Kill Bed Bugs - Tips On How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Quickly And Easily Kids Home Store

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